Suatu ketika, hiduplah sebatang pohon apel besar dan anak lelaki yang senang bermain-main di bawah pohon apel itu setiap hari. Ia senang memanjatnya hingga ke pucuk pohon, memakan buahnya, tidur-tiduran di keteduhan rindang daun-daunnya. Anak lelaki itu sangat mencintai pohon apel itu. Demikian pula pohon apel sangat mencintai anak kecil itu.
Waktu terus berlalu. Anak lelaki itu kini telah tumbuh besar dan tidak lagi bermain-main dengan pohon apel itu setiap harinya.
Suatu hari ia mendatangi pohon apel. Wajahnya tampak sedih.
“Ayo ke sini bermain-main lagi denganku,” pinta pohon apel itu.
“Aku bukan anak kecil yang bermain-main dengan pohon lagi.” jawab anak lelaki itu.
“Aku ingin sekali memiliki mainan, tapi aku tak punya uang untuk membelinya.”
Pohon apel itu menyahut,
“Duh, maaf aku pun tak punya uang… tetapi kau boleh mengambil semua buah apelku dan menjualnya. Kau bisa mendapatkan uang untuk membeli mainan kegemaranmu.”
Anak lelaki itu sangat senang. Ia lalu memetik semua buah apel yang ada di pohon dan pergi dengan penuh suka cita. Namun, setelah itu anak lelaki tak pernah datang lagi. Pohon apel itu kembali sedih.
Suatu hari anak lelaki itu datang lagi. Pohon apel sangat senang melihatnya datang.
“Ayo bermain-main denganku lagi.” kata pohon apel.
“Aku tak punya waktu,” jawab anak lelaki itu.
“Aku harus bekerja untuk keluargaku. Kami membutuhkan rumah untuk tempat tinggal. Maukah kau menolongku?”
“Duh, maaf aku pun tak memiliki rumah. Tapi kau boleh menebang semua dahan rantingku untuk membangun rumahmu.” kata pohon apel.
Kemudian anak lelaki itu menebang semua dahan dan ranting pohon apel itu dan pergi dengan gembira. Pohon apel itu juga merasa bahagia melihat anak lelaki itu senang, tapi anak lelaki itu tak pernah kembali lagi. Pohon apel itu merasa kesepian dan sedih.
Pada suatu musim panas, anak lelaki itu datang lagi. Pohon apel merasa sangat bersuka cita menyambutnya.
“Ayo bermain-main lagi denganku.” kata pohon apel.
“Ayo bermain-main lagi denganku.” kata pohon apel.
“Aku sedih,” kata anak lelaki itu. “Aku sudah tua dan ingin hidup tenang. Aku ingin pergi berlibur dan berlayar. Maukah kau memberi aku sebuah kapal untuk pesiar?”
“Duh, maaf aku tak punya kapal, tapi kau boleh memotong batang tubuhku dan menggunakannya untuk membuat kapal yang kau mau.
Pergilah berlayar dan bersenang-senanglah.
Kemudian, anak lelaki itu memotong batang pohon apel itu dan membuat kapal yang diidamkannya. Ia lalu pergi berlayar dan tak pernah lagi datang menemui pohon apel itu.
Akhirnya, anak lelaki itu datang lagi setelah bertahun-tahun kemudian.
“Maaf anakku,” kata pohon apel itu. “Aku sudah tak memiliki buah apel lagi untukmu.”
“Tak apa. Aku pun sudah tak memiliki gigi untuk mengigit buah apelmu.” Jawab anak lelaki itu.
“Aku juga tak memiliki batang dan dahan yang bisa kau panjat.” Kata pohon apel. “Sekarang, aku sudah terlalu tua untuk itu.” jawab anak lelaki itu.
“Aku benar-benar tak memiliki apa-apa lagi yang bisa aku berikan padamu. Yang tersisa hanyalah akar-akarku yang sudah tua dan sekarat ini.” Kata pohon apel itu sambil menitikkan air mata.
“Aku tak memerlukan apa-apa lagi sekarang.” kata anak lelaki. “Aku hanya membutuhkan tempat untuk beristirahat. Aku sangat lelah setelah sekian lama meninggalkanmu.”
“Oooh, bagus sekali. Tahukah kau, akar-akar pohon tua adalah tempat terbaik untuk berbaring dan beristirahat. Mari, marilah berbaring di pelukan akar-akarku dan beristirahatlah dengan tenang.”
Anak lelaki itu berbaring di pelukan akar-akar pohon. Pohon apel itu sangat gembira dan tersenyum sambil meneteskan air matanya.
Ini adalah cerita tentang kita semua. Ketika kita muda, kita senang bermain-main dengan ayah dan ibu kita.
- Ketika kita tumbuh besar, kita meninggalkan mereka, dan hanya datang ketika kita memerlukan sesuatu atau dalam kesulitan. Tak peduli apa pun, orang tua kita akan selalu ada di sana untuk memberikan apa yang bisa mereka berikan untuk membuat kita bahagia. Anda mungkin berpikir bahwa anak lelaki itu telah bertindak sangat kasar pada pohon itu, tetapi begitulah cara kita memperlakukan orang tua kita.
Sebarkan cerita ini untuk mencerahkan lebih banyak rekan.
Dan, yang terpenting: Sampaikan pada orang tua kita sekarang, betapa kita mencintainya; dan berterima kasih atas seluruh hidup yang telah dan akan diberikannya pada kita.
Once upon a time, there lived a large apple tree and a boy who likes to play around under the apple tree every day. He was happy to climb up to the top of the tree, eat the fruit, dozing in the shade of lush leaves. The boy loved the apple tree.Similarly, the apple tree is very loving little boy.
Time goes by. The son has now grown big and is no longer playing with the apple tree every day.
One day he came to the apple tree. His face looked sad.
"Come and play with me," pleaded the apple tree.
"I'm not a little kid playing with the tree again." Replied the boy.
"I'd love to have a toy, but I do not have the money to buy it."
The tree replied.
"Ops, sorry I did not have money ... but you should take all the pieces and sell my apple. You can get the money to buy toys're into."
The boy was very happy. He grabbed all the apples on the tree and left happily. However, after that the boy never came back. The tree was sad again.
One day the boy came back again. The tree was very happy to see it coming.
"Come play with me anymore." The tree said.
"I have no time," replied the boy.
"I have to work for my family. We need a house for shelter. Will you help me?"
"Ops, sorry I did not have a house. But you should not cut down all the branches rantingku to build your house. "The tree said.
Then the boy cut all the branches and twigs of the apple tree and left happily. The tree was also happy to see the boy happy but the boy never came back again. The tree was again lonely and sad.
In the summer, the boy came back again. The tree was overwhelmed felt welcome. "Come and play with me." The tree said.
"I'm sad," said the boy. "I am old and want to live in peace. I want to go on vacation and sailing. Will you give me a boat for a cruise?"
"Ops, sorry I do not have a boat, but you can cut the stems and use my body to make the boat you want.
Go sailing and have fun.
Later, the boy cut the tree trunk and make a boat that craved. He then went sailing and never again came to the apple tree.
Finally, the boy came back again after so many years later.
"I'm sorry my son," said the apple tree.
"I've never had an apple for you."
"It's okay. I've also had no teeth to bite the fruit apelmu. "Replied the boy.
"I do not have a trunk and branches that you can climb." Said the apple tree. "Now, I'm too old for that." Replied the boy.
"I really do not have anything else I can give you.
What was left was my roots are old and dying. "Said the apple tree with tears.
"I do not need anything else right now." Said the boy. "I just needed a place to rest. I was very tired after such a long leave."
"Oooh, that's nice. You know, the old tree roots is the best place to lie down and rest. Come, let us lay in the arms of my roots and rest in peace."
The boy was lying in the arms of the tree roots. The tree was very happy and smiling with tears in his eyes.
Time goes by. The son has now grown big and is no longer playing with the apple tree every day.
One day he came to the apple tree. His face looked sad.
"Come and play with me," pleaded the apple tree.
"I'm not a little kid playing with the tree again." Replied the boy.
"I'd love to have a toy, but I do not have the money to buy it."
The tree replied.
"Ops, sorry I did not have money ... but you should take all the pieces and sell my apple. You can get the money to buy toys're into."
The boy was very happy. He grabbed all the apples on the tree and left happily. However, after that the boy never came back. The tree was sad again.
One day the boy came back again. The tree was very happy to see it coming.
"Come play with me anymore." The tree said.
"I have no time," replied the boy.
"I have to work for my family. We need a house for shelter. Will you help me?"
"Ops, sorry I did not have a house. But you should not cut down all the branches rantingku to build your house. "The tree said.
Then the boy cut all the branches and twigs of the apple tree and left happily. The tree was also happy to see the boy happy but the boy never came back again. The tree was again lonely and sad.
In the summer, the boy came back again. The tree was overwhelmed felt welcome. "Come and play with me." The tree said.
"I'm sad," said the boy. "I am old and want to live in peace. I want to go on vacation and sailing. Will you give me a boat for a cruise?"
"Ops, sorry I do not have a boat, but you can cut the stems and use my body to make the boat you want.
Go sailing and have fun.
Later, the boy cut the tree trunk and make a boat that craved. He then went sailing and never again came to the apple tree.
Finally, the boy came back again after so many years later.
"I'm sorry my son," said the apple tree.
"I've never had an apple for you."
"It's okay. I've also had no teeth to bite the fruit apelmu. "Replied the boy.
"I do not have a trunk and branches that you can climb." Said the apple tree. "Now, I'm too old for that." Replied the boy.
"I really do not have anything else I can give you.
What was left was my roots are old and dying. "Said the apple tree with tears.
"I do not need anything else right now." Said the boy. "I just needed a place to rest. I was very tired after such a long leave."
"Oooh, that's nice. You know, the old tree roots is the best place to lie down and rest. Come, let us lay in the arms of my roots and rest in peace."
The boy was lying in the arms of the tree roots. The tree was very happy and smiling with tears in his eyes.
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